Manila Philippines — The Chinese government defended itself in relation to the released of flare of the People’s Liberation Army – Air Force during the joint patrol of the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Australia in the part of Bajo de Masinloc.

According to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jiang, Huangyan Dao is part of China’s territory and Beijing has the right to its so-called adjacent airspace and waters in Scarborough Shoal.

It is said that the Philippine military aircraft interfered in the adjacent airspace of Huangyan Dao, which is said to be against the sovereignty of the international law and the international relations of the government.

“Philippine military aircraft twice intruded into the adjacent airspace of Huangyan Dao, which gravely infringed upon China’s sovereignty and violated international law and the basic norms governing international relations,” according to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian in a press briefing.

Beijing’s Air Force imposes action against Philippine military troops as part of Beijing’s so-called legal action.

The Chinese government still insists that the joint patrol by the Philippines with its allied countries is a provocation.

“…what the Philippines did with its aircraft was clearly a deliberate provocation,” the Chinese spokesperson added.

The Philippine government strongly condemned China’s dangerous activity against military troops because it imposes risk to the Air Force personnel.

According to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), they have filed another diplomatic protest against China after the incident.

But during the House Committee on Appropriations hearing yesterday, the DFA official said that the current provisional understanding does not cover the joint patrol conducted by the air force.

Because only Rotational Resupply (RORE) missions are allowed in the provisional agreement.

However, DFA said that it is still possible to amend this agreement between Beijing and Manila.

In total, as of August 12, 2024, the Philippine government has filed 40 diplomatic protests against China this year.

Under the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos, 173 note verbale have been filed.

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