Manila Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)has summoned Deputy Chief of Mission Zhou Zhiyong of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines in relation with the latest water cannoning of the Chinese Coast Guard in Scarborough Shoal.

According to DFA Spokesperson Ma. Teresita Daza, on Thursday said that at the same time the Philippines also filed a diplomatic protest regarding the harassment, ramming, swarming, shadowing and blocking, dangerous maneuvers, use of water cannons, and other aggressive actions of the CCG and Chinese Maritime Militia Vessels against PCG ships and the Bureau of Fisheries Aquatic Resources (BFAR , enroute of Bajo De Masinloc for resupply mission.

“The Philippines protested the harassment, ramming, swarming, shadowing and blocking, dangerous maneuvers, use of water cannons, and other aggressive actions of China Coast Guard and Chinese Maritime Militia vessels against the vessels of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) enroute to Bajo de Masinloc,” DFA Spokesperson Ma. Teresita Daza said in a statement.

“China’s aggressive actions, particularly its water cannon use, caused damage to vessels of PCG and BFAR,” DFA added.

The DFA also ordered Chinese ships to leave Bajo de Masinloc and the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal immediately.

The PCG and BFAR ships suffered severe damage after dangerous water cannoning by the Chinese ships.

In this regard, Philippine Coast Guard Spokesperson for the West Ph Sea Commodore Jay Tarriela said the PCG is ready to submit a recommendations to the National Task Force for the West Ph Sea.

China, on the other hand maintains there stand saying that Scarborough Shoal is part of its territory.

And insisted that the Philippines should stop provocations and should not stop China from their determination to protect their so-called sovereignty.

By virtue of the decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration on July 12, 2016, Scarborough Shoal was awarded as part of the EEZ or exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.

For this year alone, the DFA has filed 20 diplomatic protests against China and in total, as of April 30, 2024, 153 protests were filed under the Marcos administration.

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