Manila Philippines — A women’s group in the Congress criticized Senator Robinhood Padilla’s alleged archaic views on marital rights.

Gabriela Women’s Party Representative Arlene Brosas, reminded Padilla about women that should not be considered sexual objects.

“We remind Sen. Robin Padilla that no means no. Women should not be considered sexual objects,” Brosas insisted.

During the deliberations of the Senate Committee on Public Information and Mass Media yesterday, sexual abuses in television networks and artist management agencies were discussed, that opens the issue of sexual abuse for spouses especially for women.

Padilla asked if having sex could not be considered a marital obligation.

“So what used to be said that it is the obligation of the husband or wife that when you ask the husband or wife to give in, that is no longer the case?” said Padilla at the hearing.

Because of this, Women’s right advocate Atty. Lorna Kapunan told the senator regarding the marital rights of every individual.

“When I say no, no means no. (It) applies to both genders. He cannot be forced by his wife,” answered Kapunan.

Gabriela has filed House Bill no. 401 which seeks to fortify the Anti-Rape Law.

The proposal aims to further expand the definition of rape, establish a basis for lack of consent and amend outdated provisions that cover forgiveness for married victims and perpetrators.

Brosas further explained that the Anti-Rape Law should be completely revised due to the expanding and increasing instances of sexual abuse in many aspects.

“This is why the Anti-Rape Law should be amended to ensure that our laws are reflective of the evolving understanding of consent and the increasing instances of sexual abuse in various contexts,” Brosas said.

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