Manila Philippines — The Philippine government has assured that it will continue to uphold rights and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) despite the aggressive actions of Chinese ships.

In a press briefing, the newly designated National Maritime Council (NMC) Spokesperson Vice Admiral Alexander Lopez announced that the Philippines will continue with its routine maritime activities to protect the country’s territory despite the August 19 collision incident between the Philippine Coast Guard and the Chinese Coast Guard in Escoda Shoal.

“The Philippines expresses serious concern over the deliberate harassment and infringement by China against the Philippines’ sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea. The Philippines will continue to uphold its rights and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea, sustain our routine maritime activities, and protect its territory and maritime zones from environmental degradation and other illegal activities,” said Lopez.

The Philippine official also called China’s actions as  unprofessional, dangerous and a violation of international law, particularly the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 1972 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs).

It is said that the National Maritime Council aims to show the policy level, within the country maritime territory which is also based on the report of the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea.

Two PCG vessels, BRP Bagacay and BRP Cape Engaño, suffered damages due to a collision while conducting a Rotational Resupply Mission in Escoda Shoal.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is thoroughly studying the incident at the same time as duly filing a note verbale against the Chinese government.

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