US Military Warns China on ‘Dangerous’ Moves in the South China Sea During Talks

A senior US military official has cautioned his Chinese counterpart about Beijing’s “dangerous” actions in the South China Sea during their first high-level talks. The video call, held on Tuesday, involved Samuel Paparo, Commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, and Wu Yanan, head of the Chinese army’s Southern Theater Command.

While the US and China remain divided on key issues such as trade, Taiwan, and China’s assertive maritime behavior, both nations aim to restore regular military communications to prevent conflicts from escalating.

Paparo emphasized the significance of maintaining open communication lines between the US military and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). “Such discussions between senior leaders serve to clarify intent and reduce the risk of misperception or miscalculation,” he stated. However, he also highlighted recent “unsafe interactions with US allies” by Chinese forces.

Paparo urged the PLA to reconsider its use of “dangerous, coercive, and potentially escalatory tactics” in the South China Sea and beyond, referring to Chinese vessels’ recent confrontations with Philippine ships.

Wu Yanan’s Southern Theater Command oversees China’s activities in the South China Sea, a region claimed by China despite conflicting claims from other nations. An international court has ruled that China’s claims lack legal standing.

China recently defended its “rights” in the disputed waters, after the Philippines released footage of a Chinese coast guard vessel appearing to ram a Philippine ship.

Beijing’s statement on the talks described them as an “in-depth exchange of views” on issues of mutual concern. These discussions mark the first since China cut off military communications with the US in 2022, following then-US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

The talks come after US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s visit to China last month, where he held discussions with senior Chinese army official Zhang Youxia. Both sides agreed to facilitate further communication between military commanders.

During his meeting with Zhang, Sullivan stressed the importance of freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Meanwhile, Zhang reaffirmed that Taiwan remains a critical issue in China-US relations, warning the US to halt military support for Taiwan.

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