The outstanding debt of the Philippines’ national government increased by 0.9% by the end of June 2024, reaching P15.48 trillion, based on the Bureau of Treasury’s report.

This percentage is equivalent to P135.90 billion increase in the outstanding debt of the country in June 2024, from the P15.35 trillion in end of May 2024.

Based on BTr’s report, this increase is associated with the net issuance of both domestic and external debt, as well as a continuous effect of depreciating peso value.

By the end of June 2024, the value of peso against dollar depreciated tp P58.658.

Out of the total debt stock, domestic debt is recorded at 68.29% or P10.57 trillion, which also grew by 1.2% compared to May 2024 data.

This increase in domestic debt is primarily attributed to the P129.89 billion net issuance of government securities, as well as the P0.39 billion effect of peso depreciation.

Meanwhile, the external debt level is at 31.71%, which is equivalent to P4.91 trillion, only marking a 0.1% from May 2024 record.

This slight growth is diven by P7.95 billion in net availment, and of the P11.23 billion upward revaluation of US dollar-dominated debt.

On the other hand, the guaranteed obligations of the national government decrease in end of June 2024, only posting P343.65 billion, which is due to the net payment of both domestic and external guarantees.

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