Manila, Philippines — More Filipinos have experienced involuntary hunger in December 2024, results from Social Weather Stations (SWS) quarter 4 survey.

Based on the survey conducted on December 12 to 18, hunger rate rose to 25.9% in December, with more Filipino families being hungry or not having anything to eat.

This is 3% higher than the 22.9% recorded in quarter 3 of 2024, and is the highest since the 30.7% peak during the lockdowns in September 2020.

In this data, 18.7% fell under the classification of “moderate hunger,” defined as being hungry “only once” or a “few times” during the last three months.

7.2% are on “severe hunger,” or those who have experienced hunger “often” or “always” during the same period.

Significantly, it also implies a rise in the moderate and severe hungriness since September survey, going from 16.8% and 6.1% respectively.

Mindanao has the most families that experienced hunger at 30.3%, while Balance Luzon peaked at 25.3%.

Visayas recorded 24.4%, while Metro Manila at 22.2%.

SWS attributed this increase in hunger rates between September and December due to the growth in hunger from Balance Luzon and Metro

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