GMA Contractors Respond to Sandro Muhlach’s Allegations Amid Ongoing Investigation

MANILA — Jojo Nones and Richard Cruz, independent contractors for GMA Network, have addressed the complaints filed by Sparkle artist Sandro Muhlach.

On Friday, legal counsel Atty. Maggie Abraham-Garduque released a statement on behalf of Nones and Cruz, expressing their disappointment over the serious allegations.

“Our clients are deeply saddened by the serious allegations hurled against them circulating on social media. And though these allegations do not mirror the true accounts of the event, we would like to reserve the right to respond in a proper forum when we receive a copy of the formal complaint,” the lawyer stated.

As the investigation is ongoing, her clients requested the public’s respect and urged everyone to “refrain from posting baseless defamatory allegations.”

“For the meantime, we urge the public to respect the investigation being conducted on this case and we advise people who have no personal knowledge of the incident to refrain from posting baseless defamatory allegations and therefore unfairly subjecting both parties to publicity trial.”

GMA Network confirmed yesterday that it has commenced an investigation into the matter.

“GMA Network has just received a formal complaint from Sparkle artist Sandro Muhlach against two GMA independent contractors, Jojo Nones, and Richard Cruz,” the network said in its statement.

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