Iloilo City — The concessionaire of Metro Pacific Iloilo Water (MPIW) has given a warning due to continuous delays of water service, after severe water supply shortages are recorded in the area where it has reached critically low levels.

MPIW serves the seven districts of IloIlo City and the municipalities of Oton, Sta. Barbara, Cabatuan, Maasin, San Miguel, Pavia and Leganes.

The water supply production level decreased from 57.142 to 56.200 MLD (million liters per day), which drops significantly from its critical level.

The MPIW said that the water level in the Aganan, Maasin, Jalaur, and Tigum rivers is also in danger due to the El Niño phenomenon.

MPIW apologized to the city government and concessionaires, noting that measures to address the shortage, including the launch of a major project, are being implemented to address the loss of water.

This includes pipe rehabilitation, the use of technology such as Sahara Mobile Leak Detection, and Tyfo-Fibre Wrap Technology, the development of a desalination plant, which began pre-development works in January; and securing other sustainable water resources in the Visayas.

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