Manila Philippines – The Chinese Coast Guard Vessel collided into the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) ship – BRP Datu Sanday (MMOV 3002).

The incident happened this week while BFAR was conducting a humanitarian mission to Filipino fishermen in the Escoda Shoal.

BFAR was only supposed to distribute diesel, food and medical supplies when they were harassed by Chinese Coast Guard Vessel,  and People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) ship.

According to the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) up to eight Chinese ships harassed the BFAR ship.

The National Maritime Council strongly condemned the latest harassment and collision by the CCG Vessel to the civilian government agency ship, BRP Datu Sanday.

“The Philippine Government deplores the repeated aggressive, unprofessional and illegal actions displayed by Chinese maritime forces against Philippine vessels and aircraft of the past weeks,” the National Maritime Council said in a statement.

NMC also reminded China to abide by their commitment to de-escalate tensions and to find a way to resolve the conflict through dialogue.

“That these provocative and dangerous actions were made in the space of only a week is alarming, and calls into question China’s supposed commitment to de-escalate the situation in the area and create a conducive environment for dialogue and consultation,” added the NMC.

Escoda Shoal is at 110 nautical miles from the island of Palawan, and is clearly within the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone.

In a statement, the Chinese Coast Guard said the BFAR ships illegally entered the adjacent waters of China’s Nansha Island, Xianbin Reef, without permission.

And asserted the dangerous approach of the BFAR ship to the CCG vessel.

“Two Philippine coast guard vessels on Monday intruded into the adjacent waters of Xianbin Jiao of China’s Nansha Qundao without the permission of the Chinese government,” the CCG said in a statement.

“The Philippine vessels No. 4409 and No. 4411 approached dangerously a China Coast Guard (CCG) ship that was in normal navigation,” the Chinese government said.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has yet to released statements whether they will file another protest against China.

CCG’s latest harassment was just a few days after China released a flare during the BFAR’s aircraft routine in the area of ​​Bajo de Masinloc and the Zamora Reef last week.

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